Trailblazer Logo
Academy Image

The Trailblazer Academy™ is a revenue acceleration program focused on helping sales teams identify, qualify, and approach high value prospects in fresh and modern ways. We literally give them a map to revenue conversations.

Trailblazer Academy™ OVERVIEW

  • Make more calls, send more emails…make more money, right? Not necessarily in today’s distracted environment. We help sellers send the right emails–in the right cadence–combined with creative use of video, social, and text to reach clients where they are (and where your competitors aren’t).
  • According to our research, the average business owner gets 100-200 emails and dozens of unsolicited messages from vendors trying to sell them every day. They are overwhelmed by the volume of outreach and underwhelmed by the quality, so 9 out of 10 times they just swipe-left and delete it.
  • Good news. It’s not them; it’s you, and we can help.
  • You need more effective modes of contact, better client research, and messaging strategies that create a magnetic pull between you and your prospects.
  • At the Trailblazer Academy™, our team has research and technology in its bloodline. We know how to study people and use that intelligence to design effective messaging strategies that work. On average, our Trailblazer methods infiltrate some of the most difficult to reach prospects in as little as 3-5 attempts and we can’t wait to show you how!
Epic Shit
how does it work

Trailblazer Academy is a 12-month program created to help sellers drive revenue conversations in the heavily distracted world we now live in. It is delivered in five chapters, Prospecting Like a PRO (Parts I and II), Breaking the Ice, Access & Approach, and the Touchpoint Pathway. Trailblazers are then invited to participate in monthly webinars focused on the most important challenges they are facing. How do we know that? Because we design the material based on the needs and challenges we collect in our sessions and invite you to vote on the most relevant topics!

These are not on-site workshops that have been stuffed into an online suitcase. They are virtual by design, in a format that teaches the way people want to learn; auditory, visually, and with lots of interaction.

Following the completion of our initial five-part series the decision is yours on what direction we go but a sampling of custom workshops are provided below for inspiration. Each year you get to pick two!

Additionally, throughout the year, sellers are invited to a variety of webinars focused on industry trends in the verticals they are prospecting and ideas on how to approach them relevant.

We wrap each year with a special graduation to review all the amazing revenue successes and #TrailblazerTriumphs we achieved together and crown one special Trailblazer of the Year.

Prospecting 01
Like a PRO

99% of sales slumps can be directly attributed to a failure to prospect, so that’s where we begin our Trailblazer journey. We’ll introduce a dozen free online tools and directories to help you find and budget qualify new prospects using a fun time-management tool

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Breaking 02
The Ice

Making great first impressions across screens isn’t easy when people can’t hear or see you. In this workshop we explore the unconventional yet effective ways you can humanize physical (and virtual) outreach to command the attention of your most desired prospects and advance revenue conversations.

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Access & 03

With well vetted prospects in hand, it’s time to focus our attention on crafting an approach with language that speaks to them on the devices they use to increase response rates. We’ll show you how to craft concise and timely language to use in your outreach that will lead to increased appointments set, conversations, and revenue.

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Touchpoint 04

Next we’ll show you how to use the greatest suite of communication tools in the history of sales to advance revenue conversations effectively using a little technology, stealthy investigative research, and modern psychology sprinkled with a little bit of fun to close some epic new business revenue.

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Private 05

We recognize sellers learn differently. Some prefer to learn in groups while others enjoy private coaching which is why we offer both! Following our initial 12-week “fast start” our expert coaches will set up private 1:1 sessions with each seller to help them craft and execute outreach plans for their Trailblazer prospect funnels. We also provide unlimited electronic support throughout the series to make getting feedback from our coaches easy.


Sherpa 06

Managers need help too which is why we believe it’s important to invest time with them as well. Our Sherpa program is dedicated to providing sales leaders with best practices and latest tools for managing conflict, productivity, and time management while also giving them sales meeting ideas and private coaching to help lead their teams elevated success.

Private Coaching

The Trailblazer Academy is a rewarding voyage that pays dividends. Just look at what others have said about their journey with us.


The Trailblazer Academy is the foundation for getting new business in the modern era. Don’t skip this program just like you wouldn’t skip breakfast. Both are necessary foundations for success.

Star Rating Star Rating Star Rating Star Rating Star Rating

Trailblazer is a fresh and current take on sales prospecting, pitching and closing. A MUCH needed shift in training that built excitement and delivered results for our team!

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The Trailblazer Academy provides a great framework for focused prospecting, allowing for time and energy to be directed in the right places for the best return. The tools provided were smart and helped me vet my prospects more thoroughly.

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This is a fresh and modern approach to prospecting and truly cultivating new relationships.

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This was a GREAT opportunity to teach our sellers a fresh and modern approach on the best way to gain advertiser’s attention and ultimately close more business!

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This program shows how to prospect the right people and personalize your contact with them in great ways. I have been able to increase response rates on my outreach significantly using the tactics in this program.

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Trailblazer accelerated our pipeline with its out of the box thinking. It helped us find leads and close new business. Love it!

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It’s harder and harder to get in touch with business owners these days — there’s more clutter in their email box and voicemail every single day. This is a program that really helps cut through that.

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Our business is ever-changing so it was great to have something like Trailblazer to give us a new and fresh perspective on managing that. All the different tools provided were great to have in our arsenal to use in coaching and guiding our sellers to MAKE MORE MONEY.

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This helped me break out of a 7-year old sales comfort zone that I didn’t even know I was trapped in by mixing fresh and modern communication tactics with old ones to help me advance revenue conversations. It’s a great program that made prospecting fun again for me.

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This is by far the most growth-driven sales training I’ve ever received. The collaborative marketing techniques and ideas paved the way to helping me achieve #1 in new business sales in my market. I loved it!

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It’s a sales process for the 21st century. And, it’s the one of the smartest, if not the smartest sales programs I’ve ever seen

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Trailblazer had tactics that I was able to use immediately. I got a lot out of it that I now use every day.

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At the end of the day you want to get meetings with clients and the Trailblazer Academy really opens that door to communication.

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The Trailblazer Academy is innovative, fun and engaging and I’d 100% recommend it!

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This is terrific stuff. To have these tools and information. I think it’s fantastic.

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This is a fresh and modern approach to sales training that delivers results and has helped me secure new business.

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The Trailblazer Academy gave my team the resources we needed to prospect new business in new ways effectively and pushed us in the right direction to experience the peak of new business success.

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As someone who was a complete newbie in the sales industry, the ideas and insight the Trailblazer team provided were SUPER beneficial. There are plenty of unique tools learned from this series that I continue to use every single day!

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This process has helped me streamline prospecting time and secure more meetings.

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After over 18 years in broadcast and digital sales, the Trailblazer program offered me a fresh approach to reaching a prospect. It also reignited my love of sales, building new relationships, and creating partnerships with clients.

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With the Trailblazer process, I am effectively cultivating new client relationships. You will not only learn a new method of prospecting and making these connections, you’ll also discover a lot of helpful tools along the way.

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The Trailblazer Academy was a game changer for my Sales team! The tips & tricks that were learned through this amazing program continues to drive new business revenue with our team!

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I learned a new way to connect with clients very early in the sales process with this program. The tactics provided help me speed up the sales cycle.

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This approach to prospecting pushed me to think outside the box and try new ways of reaching out to decision makers that worked. Their tools helped me learn more about my prospective buyers before initiating contact so my offerings were more relevant than they would have been with a cold call.

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Bar none, the best new-age prospecting teachings out there. The Trailblazer program will give you a leg up on your competition, get you more meetings with decision makers, and increase your wallet.

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The Trailblazer Academy has helped me capture the attention of hard-to-reach business owners and has saved me time. My pipeline has greatly improved and I’m advancing conversations with new prospects more quickly.

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The Trailblazer Academy revolutionized the way I approach prospecting. It got me in the door with potential clients I’ve never been able to reach before.

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This program offers an innovative and purposeful new way to think about communicating with clients and opens doors to new opportunities utilizing new tools and fresh communications skills. It was a valuable experience!

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The Trailblazer program has been transformative for my sales team to stand out from competitors and get meetings. In a challenging year, we were able to pace ahead of our new business KPSs and exceed our annual new business target by double digits.

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The Trailblazer program transformed my prospecting journey. From qualifying businesses and successfully identifying decision-makers to fine-tuning my research on the front end to ensure successful touchpoints, this program helped me get my foot in the door in fresh and innovative ways with many hard-to-reach prospects I’d been pursuing for years.

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My staff really liked Trailblazer. They learned specific skills to help them get the first appointment with a client. During the process we developed new business and used the system to grow existing business. In short, we loved it.

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