Trailblazer Logo
the future belongs to those who prepare for it

Custom Workshops

At The Trailblazer Academy we believe that every sales team is unique with different experience levels and challenges, which is why we tailor our programs for every partner. While our list of custom workshops changes based on current demands and advancements in technology, here is a sampling of some of our fan favorites to inspire your own program with us. Where shall we begin your Trailblazer journey?

Double Underscore

The Art of 01
Effective Email

Did you know that only 15% of cold email outreach gets read? In this workshop we explore the nine necessary elements to increase the probability of an email response. We will cover powerful subject lines, how to effectively ask for meetings, and introduce tools to help sellers improve their email lengths, readability, and response rates.

Art Effective Email

Mastering 02
LinkedIn for Sales

Sellers will learn how to enhance their personal brands to generate stronger inbound and outbound sales opportunities. No matter their comfort level with the networking site, each seller will walk away with concrete, proven techniques to help generate and accelerate new business relationships.

Mastering Linkedin

Pick Up the03
(Damn) Phone

In this workshop we share the Top 10 prospecting tips for effective phone outreach, discuss the necessary unique approaches of LIVE calling and voicemail, and how to handle “gatekeepers” too. It also includes a LIVE phonebank where sellers will have the opportunity to practice the techniques offered with real prospects!

Pickup the Phone

Turn the 04

Face-to-face prospecting is effective for a reason: it’s harder to say “no” to a living, breathing person face-to-face. In this workshop we cover best practices for turning the steering wheel and converting in-person cold calls into revenue generating successes.

Turn the Wheel

Lights, Camera, 05

Video increases prospect response rates by triple digits because it’s a powerful tool in humanizing outreach and building rapport quickly but it takes practice to master. In this workshop we delve into best practices for video selling including video email, video conferencing, and the use of video on social networks to command the attention of prospects quickly.

Lights Camera

PowerPoint Is 06

Stories sell, not PowerPoints. In this workshop we share best practices for building impactful presentations that advance revenue efforts. It’s a blend of effective storytelling, air-tight logistics, sprinkled with rockstar showmanship. In this workshop we break down the art of balancing all three together.
